
Ø  Avoid fasting if pregnant, diabetic, nutrient deficient, or have a history of eating disorders which seem inappropriate for dietary restrictions. Seeking medical advice from doctors/specialists can be helpful with those who have medical conditions   

Ø  Don’t assume that the two-low kilojoules days will maintain health and weight if you have over indulged in sugar and fats on ‘normal’ eating days which lead to a high-calorie diet
Ø  Maintain a healthy and nutritious 5:2 diet by following the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (food selection guide) and adhering to the Australian Dietary Guidelines
Ø  Explore the various 5:2 diet books and websites which provide a range of recipe ideas on preparing healthy and low-calorie meals  
Ø  Use kilojoule budget wisely on fasting days due to limited energy intake   
Ø  focus on high-fibre and high-protein foods that will allow you to feel full without consuming too many kilojoules
Ø  Maintain hydration by drinking plenty of fluids (water/herbal teas) to prevent headaches or tiredness (Torrens, 2017)
Ø  Emphasise protein intake on calorie restriction days so muscle isn’t lost, as this could slow down metabolism (MacDonald, 2012)

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