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Australian Dietary Guidelines

Unlike many fad diets, the 5:2 diet doesn’t require excluding foods from any of the five food groups in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating tool. These allowing individuals to maintain a nutritious, healthy and balanced diet. The access to various recipe plans made for the 5:2 diet, assist in both nutritious and calorie-counted meals which potentially address recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Guideline 1 is achieved with maintaining a healthy weight by reducing calorie intake which can result in weight loss (eatforhealth, 2015). However, fasting days may cause tiredness and lower energy levels which can result in a lack of physical activity. Guideline 2 promotes enjoying a variety of nutritious foods from the five food groups every day, including vegetables, fruit, grains, lean meats and poultry, cheese, milk and yoghurt (eatforhealth, 2015). The 5:2 diet allows having the option to choose from any range of the nutritious five food groups

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The 5:2 Diet?